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Volunteer Assisting Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative

The Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative (VAEJC) is a non-profit organization formed in 2015 dedicated to advancing the issue of environmental justice in Virginia. VAEJC currently publishes geographic data central to their mission on their website, giving citizens, stakeholders, and political leaders the ability to: visualize environmental justice data relevant to Virginians; to inform about the cumulative impacts of environmental injustices in Virginia; and to strengthen networks of advocacy for the prioritization of resources to affected communities. VAEJC is migrating their geographic data to ArcGIS Online in order to publish their data in more interactive formats, including StoryMaps, stories from the community gathered using Survey123, and Dashboards. Volunteer Clio Marsh-Nikias from Quebec, Canada, was selected to prepare and migrate VAEJC’s data and build the framework of an interactive mapping experience relevant to VAEJC’s mission.

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