Resilient power – solar paired with battery storage (solar+storage) – can provide essential economic benefits and backup power to Resilience Hubs, community-serving facilities augmented to support residents and coordinate resource distribution and services, before, during and after an emergency. In addition to emergency support, Resilience Hubs can enable community capacity building and provide ongoing resources. Community-based organizations leading resilience hub development locally are taking an innovative approach to ensuring their members are included in the process through educational and awareness building programs, as well as workforce development.
This Clean Energy Group (CEG) webinar highlights the efforts of The Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center and United Parents Against Lead (UPAL), two organizations implementing unique community programs that complement, and amplify, their efforts to build a resilience hub, including the installation of solar+storage. Faunteroys Resilience Incubator @ FH Faunteroy, located in Washington, DC, has been conducting community information sessions on sustainability and resilient power, and UPAL’s Petersburg Heights Community Resilience Hub, located in Petersburg, Virginia, is providing resilient power-focused workforce development programs. Both organizations are also recipients of CEG’s Technical Assistance Fund and Resilient Power Leadership Initiative (RPLI) small-grant programs.
Dr. Estelle-Marie Montgomery, Executive Director, The Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center
Queen Zakia Shabazz, Founder, United Parents Against Lead (UPAL)
Marriele Mango, Project Director, Clean Energy Group (moderator)